The Matrix I think is a fantastic Science Fiction movie. It was made in 1999, thirteen year ago. It is the first time I watch it, and I liked it a lot. The movie is about a computer hacker, that acts under the name of Neo; when he finds out the person he was looking for, he learns what reallity is, realizing that his hole life, what he thought it was life, was only sort of a dream. He must not only afford his new life but fight with a team to liberate people from the control they are living in, as he once did.

As a Science fiction, it presents a complete different and advance technology. In the "real world", or controlled word all things and devices are actually normal, even some of the devices (as it was made in 1999) are more technological now a days; cell phones for example. The real technology that the movie deals with is actually in the "real world". In this world, all humans are connected to a machine, they all are being used as an energy source; and they are all living in an imaginary world, what we called reality, what they called "the matrix". The whole subject that the movie is dealing with is a Science fiction element. It doesn´t deal with a futuristic time, but it deals with a parallel time that has really advanzed technology, even our reality is used as a technological element. This world also deals with other technological devices and objects, such as robots, ships and computer elements and softwares.
I think the movie is well done. It mages to tell a complex story through an interesting plot. The characters are well developed. The especial effects are really well done. And it keeps the audience attention with suspense and action.
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